marți, 15 februarie 2011

Paul Wesley a muscat o fana: Afla de ce nu o va mai face vreodata

Paul a platit o vizita la Lopez Tonight pe 14 Februarie,si el a discutat o poveste amuzanta cu George Lopez despre un conflict memorabil (si prin memorabil vreau sa spun jenant). "Eram intr-un bar in Atlanta si o fata mi-a cerut sa o musc",isi aminteste Paul."Primesc cereri de acest fel de multe ori.Cred ca eram putin baut si eram ca,' Stii ce? O s-o fac. O s-o musc'".
Dar gura-pe-gat jenanta a lui Paul nu a fost tacuta si romantica, ca in The Vampire Diaries.
"Cred ca ea se astepta la o muscatura pe gat foarte sexy, dar eu m-am simtit inconfortabil deci i-am apucat intr-un fel bratul si am salivat putin pe el.Ea a fost respinsa ciudat. Am continuat sa ne uitam ciudat unul la altul pt restul noptii."
"Este ingrozitor" a promis el "Nu e ca la TV"
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Paul paid a visit to Lopez Tonight on Feb. 14, and he shared a hilarious story with George Lopez about a memorable (and by that I mean embarrassing) fan encounter. ”I was in a bar in Atlanta and one girl asked me to bite her,” Paul recalled. “I get those requests often. I think I was a little drunk and I was like, ‘You know what? I’m gonna do it this time. I’m gonna bite her.’”

But Paul’s mouth-to-neck encounter wasn’t quite as romantic as it is on The Vampire Diaries.
“I think she was expecting a really sexy bite on the neck, but I felt uncomfortable so I sort of just really reluctantly grabbed her arm and I kind of drooled on it a little bit. She was oddly repulsed. We kept oddly looking at each other for the rest of the night.”
“It’s awful,” he promised. “It’s not like it is on TV.”

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