joi, 27 septembrie 2012

Spoiler despre Charlotte - tradus

Charlotte este unul dintre personajele care vor fi mai tarziu introduse in episodul 4x08.Scenariul episodului a fost terminat de curand.Nicio actrita nu a primit rolul inca.Charlotte este  fosta iubita a lui Klaus,care are probleme cu capul .Ii este fidela lui si a fost transformata de catre el acum 9 ani.Charlotte nu este o dublura Petrova..Ea este descrisa ca fiind neingrijita si salbatica, insa inca frumoasa si provocativa.Ea nu se considera proasta in mitea ei ..
Charlotte simte o legatura puternica intre ea si Klaus , insa , in orice caz,se vede clar din scenariu cca acesta nu vrea sa aiba nimic cu ea!
Aveti   AICI   spoilerul in engleza si presupusul scenariu pentru 4x08.

Un comentariu:

  1. Last month I had placed an order for HP 8GB pen drive from tradus, online. They delivered my ordered within 3 days but without bill, and they just gave me the warranty card. When I asked them about the Bill, they commit me to provide that on next working day. But still I am waiting for that. I thought that at least Pen drive is working fine, but I was just wrong. It was not connecting. Then I made a call to customer care of tradus at 0124-6777005 but nobody was responding. After calling them 12 times one of them picked my call, but when I discussed them about my issue they told me that it is not their concern. I should call to HP support or go there personally. But how could the problem be resolved without Bill. Still I have been made them call for 15 times for bill but no hearing at all. So I submitted my complaint at Consumer Court. But even they also didn’t replied me still.
